Gamergate drama in /r/pcgaming when PC modders remove a localization change to Street Fighter V.

And they usually have no clue what they're talking about because it's not similar except that they're both criticizing videogames and saying negative things.

  1. Concern for video games causing violence, particularly in young men

  2. Similarly anti-sex, for surprisingly similar reasons--go back and watch the interviews

  3. Lots of press coverage, Anita is better at playing the victim though

  4. Both want art to conform to their personal ideology

  5. Neither have interest or knowledge in video games, except as far as they serve to advance their ideology, virtue signal, or just offer a morally superior ego boost

  6. Both are quick to point out how useful video games can be for stuff like improving hand-eye co-ordination--remember Hilary Clinton's speech about how great video games are, right before advocating censorship? Anita does the exact same thing in her intro Kickstarter video. They praise false or irrelevant values, as if art weren't valuable in itself.

The main difference is that people aren't as comfortable disagreeing with feminists because of their tendency to label anyone who disagrees as a bigot. At least Christian Right-wingers had the decency not to do that.

You're right. But that's because she's looking at trends across gaming.

First, I want to acknowledge that we have agreed that she is not an art critic, or at least not a good one. Now we're moving to the claim that she is noticing "trends," across gaming, presumably feminist problems like "objectification" and so on. I don't really want to argue anymore since I'm limited to 10 minute waiting periods due to low karma, but I'm glad we made progress here.

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