Gamers of Reddit, what was your most embarrassing gaming moment?

Holy shit. I have not thought about this in years.

When I was 10, I was a hardcore Halo player and I met several people through the matchmaking feature. I met this girl who was 14 and we dated over xbox for a few weeks. She broke up with me and I was so fucking sad lol. I went to my bio on my xbox profile and wrote something like “my life is so hard right now, everyone hates me, my girlfriend dumped me.... sometimes i don’t even know if i can go on..... life is not even worth it” but way longer (it took up my whole bio). She invited me to a group chat with a bunch of our friends and she sat there reading my whole bio in front of them and they were all cracking up.

I was HARDCORE embarrassed about that for a loooong time lmao. I have so many stories from halo and WoW that make me cringe, but that has to be the most embarrassing one.

/r/AskReddit Thread