Gamer's, whats the strangest encounter you've had with players online?

I met a guy on one of the games I used to play, it was mainly just one of those pvp games but you were in groups, he was on my team because he knew a couple of my friends (apparently?). So we exchange skype names and he requests to call me (now, at this point I believe that he is a 13 year old guy). I say yes, after a lot of hesitation due to me being very shy. The call starts and I can only hear myself talking for about 5 minutes and then a weird robotic voice on the other end. So I jokingly say "are you using a voice changer?" And he hangs up on me. The next day he messages me on skype but he seems different than usual, as if I were talking to a different person. He starts typing all these innuendos and sexual comments and I end up blocking him as it was bothering me. For about 6 months afterwards I had to block many skype accounts of his and then it just stopped one day.

There was also another guy who I used to play with who messages me 3 years after we stopped talking (on my birthday) about how useless I was and that no one loved me. He was.. Interesting..

/r/AskReddit Thread