General Discussion - July 11, 2017

Closet hoes unite lmao

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with my life: my job is trying but in my year here I've added more to my resume than the last five years (plus great benefits!), I have a wonderful relationship with a man who looks at me like I'm made of stars, and I have everything I need plus enough leftover for some small fun adventures.

Some of the shit they say though just makes me raise an eyebrow and is so laughable. Like we were talking about lawn care and one of the guys scoffs and goes, "when we buy a house I'll be making enough that I can pay someone else to deal with it." And no one reacted while I was like tf you just say. Or when we moved into our apartment (a nice apartment, not luxury, but okay as far as apartments go!) D's bff was like, "yeah this is an okay place to get you in and in six months you can move somewhere better." I mean, it doesn't have a deck but I like our apartment?

They're all just very....status focused whether they realize it or not. It's pretty funny to hear them talk tho.

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