German 'anti-Islamization' march in Dresden draws record numbers

PEGIDA position paper 1. PEGIDA stands for asylum for political, religious and war refugees. It is a basic human duty to uphold! 2. PEGIDA stands for entering the right and duty to integrate (as an asylum seeker) into the german constitution (until now only containing a right to asylum. 3. PEGIDA stands for decentralised housing of refugees instead of partly inhuman collective homes. 4. PEGIDA stands for a European system of distribution of refugees and a fair distribution across all EU countries. (central institution for processing that spreads the refugees across member states much like the “Königssteiner Schlüssel” in Germany) 5. PEGIDA stands for a lower ratio of asylum seekers to social workers (right now ca. 200/1, de facto no treatment for the traumatised) 6. PEGIDA stands for an asylum model similar to the Swiss or Netherlandish model, until its introduction for increased funding for the BAMF (federal agency for immigration and refugees) to shorten the timeframe of a request for asylum and enable faster immigration. 7. PEGIDA stands for additional funding for police forces and against reducing personnel. 8. PEGIDA stands for the complete application of existing laws concerning asylum and deportation. 9. PEGIDA stands for a zero tolerance policy against immigrants and asylum seekers that have committed a crime. 10. PEGIDA stands for resistance against violent, misogynistic political ideologies, but not for resistance against integrating Muslims in Germany. 11. PEGIDA stands for immigration based on the models of Switzerland, Australia, Canada or South Africa. 12. PEGIDA stands for free sexual self-determination. 13. PEGIDA stands for protecting our Culture, influenced by Christians and Jews. 14. PEGIDA stands for referendums, similar to the Swiss form of governance, in Germany. 15. PEGIDA stands against weapon deliveries to anti-constitutional, outlawed groups such as the PKK. 16. PEGIDA stands against allowing secondary societies/judiciaries inside our midst, e.g. Sharia-courts, Sharia-police, etc. 17. PEGIDA stands against “Gender Mainstreaming”/”Genderisierung”, the almost forced political correct application of gender neutrality in our language. 18. PEGIDA stands against politically of religiously motivated extremism. 19. PEGIDA stands against hate preachers, no matter their religion.

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