Men who were raped/beaten by women, what is your story?

So I was a chaperon for my high school's trip to Germany. I had gone on the exchange trip several years ago when I was a current student and was later asked to go a second time as a chaperon. Well as you can imagine I was pretty much a babysitter/herder for a bunch of drunk highschoolers in a foreign country. I knew all of the kids and was friends with most of them.

One night in particular, we were in Berchtesgaden which is an absolutely beautiful city but does not have much of a night life. It was a weekday so the bars were especially bland, I was walking the group back to the hostel and one girl in particular was getting very antsy to do something exciting. She kept begging me to ask random strangers on the street if they knew of any parties in town. It was getting to the point where she was desperately pleading with me. I kept telling her no, that she was drunk and needed to calm down, and that we would be back to the hostel soon. This was apparently not the answer she was after and I received a slap to the face. Nobody else noticed. Okay, one slap; no big deal. We kept walking. "Oh that wasn't enough?" Another slap. Everybody seemed to hear that one. Now I've always told myself that I would never hit a girl but she was getting verbally abusive and the slaps were starting to hurt. Then she started begging me to punch her in the face because she wouldn't feel it. So we just continued down the street, her hitting me, me trying to ignore it and go to that "happy place".

I should go ahead and mention that I turned down her sexual advances the previous night. She eventually gets so mad that she claws my throat. I guess it was just one of those areas that just never stops bleeding. My teacher eventually noticed the scar and I just told her I had got burned by a shell casing a couple weeks ago. She pretended to believe me.

TL;DR Told a drunk exchange student the night was over and we had to go back to the hostel, she decides to beat me up instead.

/r/AskReddit Thread