Germany goes after the ideological epicenter of Islamic extremism: “We will not put up with Salafist associations and their backers flouting our rules and bringing our rule of law into question and convincing young people that they want to join the so-called IS.” - Interior Minister Boris Pistorius

People actually seriously need to know about Salafism.

They're people who think the modern day world is to sinful and think the best way to be proper muslims is to go back to the previous era. Think of them a bit like the Amish or Hasadic. Doing things the old ways and not really changing with the modern world.

Now groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda are ideologically Salafi or at least they say they are. There isn't an automatic link between a Salafi and a jihadist These groups are opportunistic and use whatever they can to recruit people and spread their message.

That being said most Salafis are the complete opposite of terrorists. When I say they think the modern world is sinful, I literally mean it. They don't think you should take part in political activities because it's dirty. They tend to keep to themselves and they believe a society should only be changed from the ground up. You know handing out leaflets, doing charitable works, running classes, studying the quran and etc. They purposefully stay away from mainstream society. They don't even believe you should get rid of tyrants. They won't even talk to the media. The Salafi community in the UK utterly despises Anjem Choudary and routinely deride him. Whenever he's coming to their area they warn each other and make sure the guy doesn't go near their kids, but they won't bother telling the police or the media. So when Anjem does his minstrel act the impression is given that Salafis in this are are doing this.

I think their silence and avoidance of mainstream society is what really hurts these people. There is nobody out there telling their story or side. Which means that extremists takfiris and charlatans like Anjem get all the attention. There are also some people who pretend to be Salafis for political gain.

Edit: btw most of you love have no fucking idea what you guys are talking about and none of the things you guys suggest will ever happen.

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