Germany: Protesters march after Freiburg gang rape

It seems to be the only blanket term term they know for anyone who doesn't believe what they believe. In their skewed worldview everyone has picked one of two sides. Theirs or not theirs. Everything is black or white to them. It's defined as polarization and it's fucking moronic. They can't comprehend people can have beliefs or views that don't fall completely under a right or left-wing standpoint.

For example I consider myself an independent centrist and I'm for tightening borders and vetting immigrants. At the same time I'm also for helping people in need if they are willing to live peacefully and acclimate themselves appropriately in their new country. It should be a case by case scenario IMO.

Now let's begin the countdown to me being called a liberal because I didn't play along and spout the right wing rhetoric these sad sack fucks want to hear.

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