Germany signals willingness to take in Russians fleeing conscription

Nah, we're good. Those who come now were perfectly fine with others doing the dirty work for them while jacking of to the fantasy of the newest additions to their Russian empire or they were turning a blind eye towards the issue. But as soon as they need to get drafted, they don't want to have anything to do with it and want to flee to the hated West, there is already a way too large amount of people with a Russian background that are way too fond of Putin and the war in Germany. We don't need more of those fucks.

I really don't understand why Germany wants to fix it's demographical composition by letting in hordes of mostly unqualified people that are simply not compatible with Western values, it didn't work in 2014 and it won't work now. They should make a change in Russia, not here, since the majority of people who could bring any value to other countries without undermining Western values already packed their bags months ago.

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