Girlfriend [19/F] betrayed and dumped me while on vacation [21/M]. Don't know what to do.

I'm going to be a hard ass here, and I might get down voted. Either way, I hope you read this and that it really sinks in.

None of us can help you move on or mourn the ending of this relationship, which you clearly need to do. We can't hold your hand, we can only give you our God honest opinions, and what we would do if we were in your situation.

You sound like a great guy, and honestly that's a good thing to be because you will attract girls because they will see that in you, however right now you are being a numbskull. I'm not saying this as a jerk, I'm saying this as someone who's been there, felt that. Not the exact situation, in fact, not even close, but I've been dumped like that, and I've felt like that.

Truth is, you need to buck up and figure out how to get over this. She doesn't want you... No, let me rephrase that. YOU DON'T NEED HER. She treated you like complete shit after everything that you did for her. She told people that she didn't even know you. That's beyond dumping, that's really freaking brutual. Most people would say "Oh yeah, that's my friend." but she didn't even refer to you as that.

I don't care what lame excuse you make (because I've read through this whole thread and you've made some pretty stupid and pathetic ones, no offense) she isn't worth your time, and that amazing girl you thought you knew is gone. Don't waste another fucking second on this scumbag of a woman. Find one who will love you the way you love her, and will stay faithful and who wants to be with you and only you.

Breaking up is hard. If you need to cry, cry. It doesn't make you any less of a man. Just don't let this girl make you feel like shit because you don't deserve that at all. You deserve to be as happy as any of us.

Move on. Find someone else amazing. Get married. Have kids. Grow old. Live your life and let this godawful memory be lost in time.

/r/relationships Thread