Girls and boys may learn differently in virtual reality (VR). A new study with 7th and 8th -grade students found that girls learned most when the VR-teacher was a young, female researcher named Marie, whereas the boys learned more while being instructed by a flying robot in the form of a drone.

Someone else mentioned an apparent relationship between gender equality and involvement in STEM. They claim that female representation in STEM is highest in countries where women have the least agency, and vice versa. Presumably, the takeaway is that when someone else chooses for them, women are more involved in STEM, but when women choose for themselves, the opposite is true. I have no idea where they got their data, but it might be worth investigating if you are interested in the topic.

As for "women just naturally want to be less accomplished", I think that's a misrepresentation. The question is what they want to be accomplished at--what holds their attention, makes them happy, etc. Being recognized as accomplished is very different from being accomplished, itself. In many pursuits, it is all but impossible to impact more than a few dozen people no matter how good you are, meaning there is no reasonable hope of recognition on par with STEM rockstars.

The only things I can add are anecdotal and totally opinion based. My experience working with women in STEM is that, whether through upbringing or biology, very generally they are less likely to approach difficult problems with calm rationality. They like to know things more than they like to solve things, and they tend to react with frustration more than with resolve and creative energy. Even when they love technology and the idea of STEM, they may not enjoy the actual processes involved in plying the trade effectively. Again, this is very general and with plenty of exceptions. It very well may be cultural, and if so, it goes much deeper than being steered toward other careers. It seems more like they are trained to approach life in a way that is fundamentally incompatible with STEM. Having watched the way parents interact with their children, that seems entirely plausible. Even feminist mothers can be guilty of raising their daughters this way. The requisite mindset is foreign to them because of their own upbringing, so they have no way to help their daughters resist society's personality shaping. Again, this is all purely anecdotal and opinion/conjecture.

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