Glenn Greenwald : Democrats just lost the White House, Senate and the House. You would think they would engage in introspection and self-critique. They are now blaming Vladimir Putin, Julian Assange, James Comey, Fake news websites, Bernie Sanders, Millenials, Facebook and Jill Stein

This seems to be a fallacy of thinking in terms of how a democracy works. Everyone has the power of a single vote, and that power lies in how you use it, including not voting.

Of course, and while part of why I want millenial turnout is because young voters tend to vote my side in general and young voters tend to agree with me on the issues in general, the major reason I find the youth turnout sad year after year isn't because millenials are "bad" for not voting but because they are so passionate about issues oftentimes yet disengaged by the process. Is that not something we should discuss?

Not voting or voting "none of the above" expresses your disengagement but it doesn't solve the problems either that led to them or that will continue to lead to them.

Voting behavior shows us: hopeful youth often feel too discouraged and are too idealistic to vote/complain about the system then later in life resign themselves to the same system and vote more. Abstaining certainly doesn't change the system.

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