Global Elite with 6 kills in 3700 wins

Yes it would. On my friends list I have 30+ some odd globals and I queue up a different set of 5 on the regular. You know what we do most of the time? We throw ALL the real competitive maps that we play in leagues and LANs on and then queue up. Even if you're saying that it's still "easy", it would still be harder than how it is now, especially because most players at GE are playing on teams and know how to play every map(or they should. Sorry, if you got to GE playing nothing but D2 then you're not worth shit).

So your sample size is basically yourself queueing with a few players in a mix of 5, therefore fuck the logical maths right? Great one mate. You're telling me it would really be THAT difficult to queue vs yourself, as a team of 5 globals vs 5 globals. You are essentially trying to find yourself amongst 0.0235% of the population. Not that difficult at all.

Are you only half-listening? If you want to play "every single map" then go play unranked match making. The point of a ranked match making is to make a ecosystem where you play under a set of rules that are already in use at major tournaments.

Like I said, i'm personally 100% FOR this, I would LOVE it if valve legitimized the competitive scene. However it simply will not happen.

Why? Because you say so? There's been much larger changes to CS:GO than removing shit-tier maps from the map pool that determines ranks.

How is that even an argument? it's completely irrelevant to everything we're discussing. They do not want to gate the 'casual' community away making them feel that they are 'not pro enough' to queue for the 'real MM'.
Even with unranked MM using the current rule-set, people would still have the elitist attitude that 'ONLY REAL MM COUNTS, UNRANKED IS FOR NOOBS'.

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