Gloria Allred press conference on Donald Trump

I really did not get too into this election until just recently. Then I saw the Times articles repeatedly with more and more victims coming out against him. I saw the Times, HuPo, WaPo, CNN, CBS, NYPost, and all sorts of other media companies all citing one article in their report on the topic. It wasn't BuzzFeed, who surprisingly and laughably did the most journalism out of all of the media companies, but the New York Times, which WAS BASED OFF INFORMATION FROM THE BUZZFEED ARTICLE--getting your sources from BuzzFeed, hahahahahaha. Even BuzzFeed had the respect for journalism to include accounts of the other side--the other 11 Miss USA contestants who actually wanted to say something--say that there was a slim to zero possibility of Trump just casually walking past their chaperones (their own fucking parents), security detail, and others. I don't know what kind of parent just lets an old man into the dressing room that their daughter is currently standing naked in, but I doubt many people would sell away their children to receive the attention of some rich billionaire. No parent would give anyone the right to just barge into their home, even if it was Bill Gates, and just see their child naked. 0, zilch, proof or even plausibility within these stories and they were all parroted by every media company. The scary part is that they all selectively omitted the details, in proxy, by basing their "findings" on the NYT article, which also conveniently left out the other side's story. The only articles I found that mentioned the other side was Slate and Fortune and Buzzfeed. Everyone else just conveniently left that out. Lo and behold, the comments then inundate with people calling for Trump to die and burn at a stake for his crude remarks and his sexual misconduct. The same people who denounce media companies as filthy biased lies will eat that shit up whenever it fits their narrative. No one truly ever thinks about it, they just put on a facade of intellectual capacity but succumb to ignorance whenever they truly have to do their own thinking. The very same liberals who abhorred Fox News would readily repost their shit all over Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram if it confirmed their narrative that we live in a rape culture society. And now that Republicans are pulling their support for Trump, Fox News is actually reporting on this as well, if o "Intellectuals", who parade themselves around as the future of our society and wellbeing, can't even tell that they've been blindfolded and spun around 3 times by the media and whoever has compelled them to act this way. People who despise secrecy cannot even fathom the idea that their own party is the height and pinnacle of deceit.

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