Glory to You St. Expedite, Glory to You!!

NAH-KAH-EE-AH-OH-EH. In the name of ADD-OH-NIGH, SHAH-DYE, AND EH-AH-YEAH, I call on, Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite. Saint Expedite, you lay in rest. I come to you and ask that this wish be granted. I ask that you grant me _______________ I seal this command with the word of power: AH-RAH-REE--TAH. It is done. Expedite now what I ask of you. Expedite now what I want of you, this very second. Don't waste another day, grant me what I ask for. I know your power, I know you because of your work, I know you can help me. Do this for me and I will spread your name with love, grace, honor, and goodness, so that it will be invoked again and again. If you grant my wish within 11 days,I will spread your name with love, grace, honor and goodness. I will also give you flowers and a slice of pound cake. Expedite this wish with speed, intensity, and power. I command this, in the names of ADD-OH-NIGH, SHAD-EYE, and EH-AH-YEAH. Glory to you Saint Expedite, glory to you! Thank you Saint Expedite. I also offer you my gratitude for life, and for the results that you bring me. There will always be peace between you and I, Saint Expedite. I now give you the license to depart in peace, and do what I ask of you, goodbye.

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