GME Megathread

I own GME shares and I like this stock, and want to learn more. I have suggestions.

Hot Stocks Level 2 ( $BB, $AMC, $BBBY, $GME, $PLTR & $NOK) Jan 28, 2021 - YouTube

^^ Live hype GME chat support, you don't have to update like the WSB GME sub. Amazing support. This has kept me going through thick and thin, and its on slow mode. Every dip, this chat has told me to hold; I have never regretted holding since, and don't regret it now. The camaraderie is fucking unreal, and it's in real time which gives me so much more confidence. I highly suggest it, but it's up to you. And share the link with others!!! this could prevent countless paper hands. Countless.

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