AITA for not changing my rules and terminating care?

My kid is an only child so he’s been in daycare and sports since before he could walk. Every single adult has always been Miss X or Coach Y. And we aren’t in a place known for miss or ma’am’s. What an odd thing to think is strict.

It int the exact wording that’s the issue with the mom. The issue is for a month the mom has undermined the caregivers stance and made it more difficult to care for the child by making her the villain. She has spoken to her multiple times and made suggestion to improve the situation but the mom just digs a bigger hole every day.

It also isn’t that big of a deal to terminate same day. If the kid were sick they wouldn’t be allowed to stay at daycare either. Parents have to live their life with a contingency plan for their kids care on their bad pocket every day. Her contract clearly states she can terminate care on the spot. She followed their agreement when the mom refused to.


/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent