Is God Useful? - 8-Bit Philosophy

I would say, however, that logic and religion are incompatible. If we assume by religion we mean the belief in a specific religion's god/gods, I don't think there's any reason at all to choose one over the other, being that they all claim to be the answer, and use the same arguments for validity. There are also many scriptural inconsistencies and the Euthyphro dilemma to consider, and the simple fact that if God does exist, it seems unfair that I was put in a situation where I have to decide between so many scriptures that all say I will burn in hell if I pick the wrong one, and I only have my sectarian intuitions to decide with. Or it's unfair that some people would be raised on incorrect scriptural beliefs without the chance to consider the actual correct ones before they die. Or that there's so much pain caused through disease and non-human causes that seems unnecessary, even to animals that are not victims of the original sin etc.. So spirituality is not necessarily incompatible with logic, because it doesn't make any specific claims, and who knows if there is a god or not. But as soon as you pick one religion/god over the other, I don't think you can plead your case logically.

For now, religion/spirituality answer questions we have to the best of our ability, as science can not answer everything.

I think if we look at the track record for things that religion explained that now science has shown incorrect, we could logically deduce that religion is not going to lead us very far in the future. Why answer with religion when you could just honestly say "I don't know"?

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