
I feel like you kind of misunderstood the point of the statement I made and i believe it is due to english not being my first language so it is a little hard for me to express what I truly think but I will try to elaborate. I dont believe that I am in any way superior to 80 percent oft he world, or that 80 percent oft he world is completely ignorant. It was just a mere observation of me during my lifetime, that I believe that 80 percent of the people I met were way to caught up in the system and distracted by meaningless stuff to really realize that the whole system of society as we know it is just something completely made up and unfortunately very flawed as there is a huge amount of suffering on this planet due to this. This 80 percent statement itself is as mentioned before more a linguistic device to describe the reality I observed through the years, but as you probably realize aswell, it is just my reality, shaped by my experiences, relationships, jobsm etc so yours could be completely different. But I do wholeheartedly believe that the system we live in could be improved a lot and ist not really comparable to lions eating zebras. If only more people were able to see that things we take for granted are a mere made up concept I believe it would already decrease the suffering. All oft he wars fought for religion, money or territory by people like you and me blindly following orders would for example never happen. As you mention, I of course also live in the very same capitalist society as you do, work a regular job and want to accumulate money so I can have a good life and this itself doesnt make anybody ignorant, but I do believe it would be possible to find a way better system for the whole world. I dont think that capitalism itself is a good system, or at least that its merely a good system for most of the people having the advantage of being born in a first world country. And of course I am ignorant in my own way, I dont believe neither I nor you or anyone in this world is perfect as we all are flawed in our own ways shapes and forms. Now to your question what I do in my own life against the meaninglessness is on the one hand to try and find meaning on this little rock floating through space is by doing the things you mentioned. I lived in different countries, met countless of wonderful people who i had great conversations with and try to be the good I would love to see in the world. Of course I am not able to do this at all times but at least trying to do this gives me at least some sense of meaning. On the other hand I try to find my own philosophy and I try to accumulate as much knowledge as possible within my short life span. I hope I could clarify a bit what my intentions of the statement itself were and you can now understand better where im coming from with this.

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