Google’s Plan to Eliminate Human Driving in 5 Years

A public car sharing program. You register and pay monthly subscription but government has no problem billing you for damages the problem is company would have to go over all the individual cases which would cost them more money than simply repairing the damages.

Also no matter how much they try they cannot control it or keep the cars cleaned and it's hard to prove who did it since the indoor cams had to be removed.

I drove a new car when they renewed their fleet the website showed 5 people drove it before me it already had grease stains on co-passenger seat the air vent had been broken off and someone pasted an image of virgin Mary at the middle top of the front window.

Scratches, spills and overall trash but the smells are just the worse. I once got to work smelling of McDonnalds after 10min drive the car was relatively clean but just wreaked of smells.

Than there were annoying things like breaks and clutch being incredibly loose. You also have to know that speed-cam-radars are everywhere in Germany so people would use radar jammers which company could not prove they used so they ended up having to pay the fines, people had sex in the cars.

It was a nice idea but not really viable most people you talked to disliked the service and used it only as a must when there was no other option.

It's simply human nature some are assholes and even tho some assholes do get punished for damages there are new assholes ready to step up. Than there are things out of human control like your child pissing or shitting them selves or maybe someone broke something but concealed it so that when you used the car it fell off or didn't work.

You cannot fight human nature in courts or anywhere else.

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