I got dumped out of nowhere tonight after three months

I'm a guy(19) in that exact relationship. I've been dating a girl from my friend group for almost a month but I've known her longer. Before we confessed any feelings about each other I was really excited about her. We go really well together--similar interests, know what each other is thinking, personally helped her through the flu. I feel the relationship is better than most people's starting out, and I still like her a lot, she makes me feel good. But I know she's not the one, I don't feel a spark between us. I've been in a relationship where I started out in love and I know what I should feel, that butterfly feeling when they walk in a room and you get excited just to talk with them. got that maybe one or two times before we dated, but not since. Maybe starting off with a spark before set a higher standard, and not feeling that again makes me feel like it can't work. It sucks because she's done nothing wrong and I don't know how to lay something like this on her. I don't know if I should drag it out in hopes of feeling the way I should at a later stage in our relationship or ending it now bc it would be worse for her later if I don't end up feeling it. I'm sorry you had to go through this, but I know where your ex was coming from.

/r/dating Thread