Got a rental, it seems to confuse a lot of people.

Ok. So i understand and respect the fact that you have the right to voice your opinion, but so do I, and here it is...

You are a fucking retard. What you seem to fail to realize is that the uniform is not simply a piece of clothing. It's a symbol. Similar to the trident being a symbol of the Navy seals. You gonna sit there and try to tell them their patch is just a piece of cloth and no one should be bothered when someone who didn't earn it wears it? Fuck you. The same can be said about every other Spec War community, and it holds true for the uniform itself as well.

I don't think nationalism is a good thing whatsoever, but I'll be damned if I let someone who doesn't have a clue try to pass themselves off as a military member. They wouldn't do it if they didn't feel they had something to gain from it. They are seeking attention and respect from the community. And sure I get it if you're a grunt and think us POG's dont deserve the same repspect as you. But the fact remains even the non combat jobs in the military require a level of sacrifice, dedication, and discipline that a lot of people do not possess.

As far as getting interrupted every 10 minutes while in uniform.... I call bullshit. Most areas near a base are used to seeing uniformed personnel so no one even usually bats an eye. Oh, and you suck it up for deployments? Good job, thats what you signed up for and what civilians want to avoid. Believe it or not, there are things you sacrifice not only while being on deployment, but also from being in the military.

Fuck these idiot civilians who do this and take some fucking pride in your self, your work, your branch the military, and the history that has led to you being where you are today.

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