Got teabagged. Went into blind-rage-revenge-bag mode. Went better than expected.

Hahahaha, okay, storytime:

Had an epic moment like that while playing Combined Arms on Skyshock last weekend. I was the top player on my team, and the top player on the opposing team did a teabag after he shotgun charged me for the second time in a row after I was already damaged from killing one of his teammates literally a second or so before.

I got pissed off, next time I saw him, I double-tapped him with my Super Pox VLO, then teabagged him. He went immediately back to where I was, and lucky son of a bitch, arrived and shotgun charged just as I finished killing a teammate one on one AGAIN.

This precipitated a crack in my usually calm Crucible demeanor and I got pissed. I'm in the top 2% of players with a KDR north of 2.0 as well, so if you do manage to get me completely fucked off at you with your poor sportsmanship, odds are I'm going to be able to deliver on the revenge. I made this teabagging fool Target #1 and started purposely watching for him on the field.

  • Revenge, The First: He was gliding up above my team's position at B. I calmly focused and delivered a single shot headshot to him mid-air during his descent from near C with Patience & Time. Since I'd be highlighted in red despite the distance, I started teabagging in a circle from my sniping spot.
  • Revenge, The Second: He came for revenge, I retreated through a doorway and dropped a grenade in his path as he did his classic shotgun charge. Grenade went off and left him with 1/2 a red bar, I finished him off with a single pulse rifle hipfire burst. Teabagged furiously.
  • Revenge, the Third: Saw him glide up onto the bridge again going for B. Tried to line up a headshot but couldn't in time, so I placed my crosshair at head level on the opposite side of the divider, banking on him running for B. He popped up on the other side of the divider. BANG. JFK shot from below. Began teabagging from my sniper spot.
  • Revenge, the Fourth: Heavy had just dropped, I loaded up Corrective Measure, gunned down a couple of his teammates. I noticed he was really trying to push for B, so I headed for the bridge again. Saw something on the radar, didn't know who, so boosted up and over the divider and landed right behind the enemy on the bridge. Guess who it was! He spun around just in time for me to machinegun him to death. Came over and teabagged him while simultaneously machinegunning his corpse with about 20 MG rounds.

Game over right on time. Teabagger immediately quits despite having the highest score over me by a small margin. Mission: Accomplished.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread