Greta Thunberg apologises after saying politicians should be ‘put against the wall’. 'That’s what happens when you improvise speeches in a second language’ the 16-year-old said following criticism

Ahh yes a 16 years old kid whose 1st language isn't even english.

And yet she has shown more maturity than many adults, she even apolagised regarding this whole nonesense.

Also news flash: the same expresion can have diferent meaning depending on location.

And finaly anyone with 2 working brain cells should've realised that the idea of a 16 year old kid advocating we should execute polititians is kinda absurd, but i guess idiots always try to find the smallest thing to attack her.

Also kinda hypocritical to call out Greta for a simple harmless mistake but then we have dumbasses kinda thrum who'se mouth is a cesspoll of garbage can walk about scot free saying whatever the fuck they want with no reprecusions.

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