Grimes responds to Poppy's accusations of bullying and making writers sign NDAs

This isn't going to be a popular opinion on this sub, but Poppy won't be missed. Even as someone who actually enjoys reading critical theory, I'm pretty tired of the whole self-aware, pseudo-intellectual condescending jejune dated postmodern shit peddled by Poppy and other D-list pop stars like her.

Grimes and SOPHIE and Charli's careers have some things in common, but they are based on much more than this kind of gimmickry, so they can live on, but the rest of that PC Music inspired genre should just die. It's useless.

After criticizing Grimes in this discussion I think it's also fair to note that Grimes predated the existence of PC Music, and however bad a person she may or may not be, she really is responsible for this entire segment of millennial is-it-ironic-or-not pop/art music (including the influence Grimes had on Gaga herself).

Vaporwave scene definitely predated Grimes and deserves credit too, but Grimes was the one who translated the ironic 4chan vaporwave aesthetic into actual pop bops, which no one really did before Darkbloom in 2011. And tbh, no one, even SOPHIE and Charli (who I'm fans of!), has done it better and more consistently than Grimes, at least 2012-2016 Grimes. Her right wing ideological fuckups are honestly par for the course in vaporwave (one of the alt right's fave genres) and a lot of male vaporwave artists who also falsely pose as "left wing" do get off with much lighter criticism than she's received.

For example OPN is heavy into the works of Nick Land, an actual admitted "hyper-racist" fascist. I haven't seen much twitter anger or press attention to the potential far right tendencies in OPN. These are also worthy of note.

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