Guess I'm joining you gals...

Hey! So it looks like you've gotten a lot of really great advice, and you seem to be super receptive too, which is great. From what I can see you have a good head on your shoulders, and you sound pretty mature, so you should feel confident that you are perfectly capable of making this decision on your own, no matter how scary it feels at the moment.

The reason I said all that is because I got pregnant when I was 18 as well. I was a senior in HS, was literally 1.5 credits away from graduation (an english class, and an econ class - that's it!) and had college lined up for the fall - much like you. However, I let my fears get the best of me in the situation. Nobody told me that it's totally possible to continue your life, and have a baby at the same time! I made the mistake of going to a Crisis Pregnancy Center (which, I saw in another comment, you've already been warned about) where I was basically told I had chosen to make a baby and my life was over and I had to take care of the baby now. But that's just horse shit.

Ultimately, it comes down to what you want your life to look like long term (we're talking way down the road, like 15-20 years). Would you be happy being a young 36 when this baby graduates HS? When you are almost 40, will it matter to you that you maybe didn't take a full schedule your first year of college, and maybe had to spend a little more time (negligible) getting your degree? Are you going to be bothered by only getting to go to some of the super rad parties that happen on college campuses (lol)? Or would you rather continue on the path you have envisioned, and maybe save the settling down for later on, after you have a degree, and when you're certain you're ready for it ahead of time?

These are all just some things I wish I had thought to think about when I was in your position. Good luck with whatever you decide :)

/r/BabyBumps Thread