[Guide] How to Abuse DuoQ to Climb in Ranked.

Yeah, this. The only reason I climbed to D1 last season is because I duo'd with a support I met in soloq that only played Lulu and Janna for me, and he was really good at them. I only play hypercarries and enchanter supports really enable them, when I queue up solo people are not willing to play for me at least half the time, so I get a lot of Bard, Thresh, and non shielding supports in general, which I don't really work well with both because of style and champion pool.

We decided to play solo for a while to see if we can get D1, I still struggle in D3-D4 after 300 games and so is he. Duoing is so important in botlane, even without comms, after a while you read each other' minds, but you need someone active that plays the game a lot so he's often on when you are.

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