Gun confiscation laws in action. Broke no laws, but the government still stole his firearms. No I do not support his beliefs, or those of like minded groups, but free expression shouldn’t cost your rights.

Is this the topic where we defend someone who:

a) Doesn't believe in gun rights for others that aren't exactly to his liking, because it would prevent him from easily killing them

b) would happily kill me (and others) if he had the chance

c) is literally a violent gang member. We piss and moan all the time that gun violence isn't taken seriously and that authorities do little about criminals with guns.

If this guy was Black, spouting violent Black Nationalist rhetoric, literally leading a violent racist gang, you'd all agree with the decision to take his guns. But because he's white, we have a problem with it? Make no mistake, if you're not white, or if your girlfriend/boyfriend isn't white, or if you're gay, or if you're bi, or if you just plain don't see eye to eye with Atomwaffen, they don't support your right to own guns. They want to kill you. They're violent criminals, see the cited source. And oh, I'm just a liar, right? Here's their own site explaining their own views:

I'm not saying I support using ERPO for this. Or for anything. I am saying that rallying around a literal terrorist gang is some fifth-column bullshit and you should be very suspicious of anyone doing it. Listen, I know this is gonna come as a shock to a lot of you, but on the internet, the people who say they're your friends, and that they agree with you, they may not actually be telling the truth. They may post things that are objectionable, so that others will see those things and associate them with us. I'm sorry to hurt your feelings, guys, but sometimes...people do shit like that.

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