Gun Update Announcement

What i have a hard time understanding is why gun balance is such an issue on an RP server...this isnt Valorant. Seems like to some of the people on this server, shooting is the most important part of their RP which kinda defeats the purpose of an RP server. I understand the purpose of having guns on a server but maybe they need to make it so there is less focus on gunplay and more on actual roleplay. When your only RP to a server is to get on, chain together multiple robberies(or respond to said robberies) and then try to wipe the opposition as many times as possible, maybe normal GTA5 is what you should be playing.

My solution is reduce the amount of different guns for both sides. Both side get a pistol, an smg and a rifle. Equal stats across all weapon types for both sides. Its not like the gun market in this server is even relevant anymore due to degradation of guns and no one is willing to pay the thousands of dollars for the big guns anymore cause they sit for 2 weeks and then are useless.

/r/RPClipsGTA Thread Link -