Gunman kills 19 children in Texas school shooting, senator begs ‘on my hands and knees’ for change

Honestly it is a small vocal community who want things to stay like they are. From what I have seen the vast majority of us just want to live a peaceful life with no major regulation. We are the normal people. “Libs”, centrists, right and left - there are normal folk all across the road. More than there are crazies. It is just that we don’t talk loud enough or want to cause a fuss enough that the noises we finally do make are drowned out. Media as it is has caused a strange paradigm where if you speak out you aren’t a person anymore you are a faction. To say the country is polarized to a fault is an understatement. Most educated, hard working american people have absolutely no problem with these laws being passed and keeping our country safer.

We don’t have the money, and we don’t have the voice in politics (specially sans money) and this is what that looks like. Unfortunately like so many things in historical context it takes a dam break like this to change the terrain. Americans are just like anyone else. We have crazy selfish wackjobs like everywhere else. It sucks to be pidgeonholed into a corner with the rest of the monsters making dollars to our dimes. It is not a fair game.

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