I think this guy gets it.

(Post 1/3)

Before we continue I realized I missed one of your posts and will respond here:

never rely on people working together to make things work

So voting is a bad idea then? Any form of democracy is absolutely dependent on people working together to make things work. Instead of violently murdering and raping each other. And they do.

we need enough discipline to hold the line. and we won't do that voluntarily

Except, you know, all the wars throughout history fought by volunteers. Sure, they were in a military run by the state, but the point is that people were willing to volunteer to die to protect things that aren't even tangible. Imagine what they'll do when they have more to lose than national pride.

why would free market police agencies be any more trustworthy than the beat cops we have now?

What incentive do beat cops have to be nice to you? To help you? They don't even have a legal obligation to assist you if you call them, and you have no other competing service to run to. They go after non-violent offenders because its easy, not risky, and profitable for their department. I would say having somebody who actually had to actively protect me better than other people (and be more trustworthy than his competition) would be nice to have around.

there are some incentives that are a lot more compelling than economic advancement

That makes security in high demand, which makes it economic. You cannot escape economics, because economics is simply the observation of different humans subjectively desiring different ends and using means to achieve those ends. Economics is not about money, its about human action.

i want to build a road, because i want to help people. i'm a philanthropist, it won't help my business. right there, i'm losing money. why would i do it? because i care about my community and the well being of others

So build a road to help people. How does that oppose the laws of economics? You have an end (helping people) and a means to do so (building a road for free). This has nothing to do with laws of economics. You seem to be confusing economics with business strategy.

we have no certifiable examples that lasted longer than a week

The state has endless failures on record, anarcho-capitalism has had no failures nor successes on record. What bits and pieces of capitalism that have emerged in history have, however, done a great deal of good for humanity.

when the end game is to make money, people stop caring about each other, and people suffer

I have a fridge full of sandwiches, you have a fridge full of bottled water. I have the skills to make more sandwiches, you have the skills to acquire and filter more water. I'm thirsty, you're hungry. I give you a sandwich, you give me a bottle of water. We may dislike each other, but we just made each other happier through market exchange. We each made a profit. Show me any other system where people who dislike each other still benefit by working together, and do so completely voluntarily.

/r/Libertarian Thread Link - sonsoflibertytees.com