This guy lying about being a 9/11 survivor.

I doubt you're reading the replies at this point, but I wanted to tell you that I understand and you dont need to beat yourself up about it.

It's the internet. I'm pretty sure that half the stories on Reddit just omit the preamble that, "This didn't happen to me but to my best friend's dad and it wasn't a Sam's Club, it was a Costco we just dont have those where I live. And it was actually a Thursday, but I'm still in school so I just went ahead and said it was the werkend."

I dont know you. The only benefit I get from reading your story is finding out that this happened to someone. My life changes in zero ways if that someone was you or your mailman.

But, this probably is a good time to learn the lesson that you've got to keep your fictions straight. Shitty couple of days, but life goes on.

PS - I had to abandon an account with gold on it once because I was being harassed. The admins moved it to the new account for me.

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