YOU GUYS! I just landed my first big-girl job as a corrections officer at the county jail!

You know, it is my ultimate pet peeve when people say something that is common run-of-the-mill knowledge or correct a problematic statement and are immediately greeted with "source? lol"

It's my pet peeve when people make up shit after picking a fight.

Incarcerated felon population by crime. You're sort of putting words in my mouth saying "overwhelming majority," but how does over 50% nonviolent offenders sit with you

Nonviolent offenders aren't innocent by default, nor are they all black. Do bullshit #1.

School to prison pipeline, 1 and 2.

Shitty prison labor.

Shitty prison labor and what it has to do with institutional racism.

No statistics backing up that innocent, non-violent black people imprisonef solely on possession charges aren't a minority in prison.

The fuckboy rapists you think populate the prison system; about 3% of all rapists

Still a lot of rapists, murderers, etc, etc.

Racism in the criminal justice system, in listicle form for your convenience.

No ststidtical proof still.

You're mad because you're being asked to police your langua

You're angry you're asked to support your claim right after telling me to watch what I say. Now you're without sources and lying to cover your ass.

Whatever, it's constricting, I get it. But looking at the prison system as a place where bad people go to be away from society is erroneous in modern society, and calling inmates fuckboys contributes to a big mess.

Defending felons from innocuous terms contributes to nothing except making it look like you've got some investment in spinning the facts; did any time?

Prison is already racist and dehumanizing, and really difficult to recover from.

It's hard to recover from rape, murder, accidents from drunk drivers, armed robberies, etc.

I bet there are a lot of words you don't want to be called as a woman.

Women are comparable to criminals, got it.

And, let me reiterate, I don't care how you talk. I didn't want to have this fight. But you did the source thing, so have some links.

You came specifically to pick a fight and started a piss and moan about racist justice. Your links failed to prove what you intially challenged me on and you know it. Your feelings got hurt over a snipe at some cellmates; that's what this is about. I'm sure you find the OP's job just infuriating.

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