Guys of Reddit, what’s a good way for a girl to start a conversation with you?

For introverted and antisocial kind of guys like me, just try being a friend. Smile sometimes, don't ask how are you and blah blah. Seriously,eww, there's a reason we are introverted. But smile, ask for some favours or help out, with as much less words as possible. If he likes you, y'all will become life long friends then.

If you want a date, then try hinting him first. Don't just jump, "hey you wanna go on a date", that'll make them uncomfortable. Say something like "we should go on a date sometime" and walk away, don't wait for his response, he probably doesn't has one. And when moment is right and you both are free, ask him for a date, if he likes you, he'll immediately say yes.

/r/AskReddit Thread