Hair, Skincare, Fragrance, and Fitness Thread - October 18

Well, I've done all these things minus the Fragrarance.

I started off with just doing a daily facial cleanser from Neutrogena, which made my face cleaner more soft and less... gritty. I've never had too bad of acne, and I'm old enough where I don't have to worry about hormones really screwing me over. I've been using Kyoku's Facial Exfoliating Treatment, and it dries out my face a little but otherwise I really like the effects it's had. Face just looks cleaner and is smoother.

Hair I just cut it but it's just a fairly generic normal blonde white guy short-to-medium length.

Fitness been working out for almost 2 years and dropped from about 200 pounds to 163 today. been doing a modified PPL routine 5-6 times a week, with my adjusting my compound lifts by 5 pounds every workout(generally). I start off at 3x8 until I fail 2 workouts in a row, then continue to up the weight but do 5x5s, then 5x3s. Once I fail at the 5x3 I go back to the last weight I sucesfully did at 3x8. Rinse/Repeat.

Little note though, I usually don't do reps of 8 for deadlift. Usually just do 5x5s then 5x3 then deload my 5x5 deadlift bay about 10% of last failed set.

1rm numbers if you care:


DL:400(so close!)

Squat: 315

OHP: 135(low compared to my other numbers I know. I've never actually done this one 1st in the workout unlike others so it could be a bit higher but this is my tested 1rm)

/r/malefashionadvice Thread