Hands-up if you have a Tongue Piercing?

Yeah same here - you occasionally see photos online but I’ve never met anyone irl with them. And that sounds like you’ve been really dedicated to them if you’ve had them twice now - so 4 piercings overall!! Well done on getting them redone though - and are they perfect this time? And I presume they are all healed and downsized by now too yeah? And I can imagine placement must be super important with two of them alrite!

I get what you mean about not getting many comments unless you’re sticking them out - that must be fun at concerts though, I bet they get quite a reaction lol! And yeah I’m not surprised to hear it’s mostly women with them rather than men - I guess piercings in general tend to be mostly women rather than men, for almost every category of piercing…? And that was nice to be able to have your aunt available to ask questions about it at least - was she impressed when you got the venoms in the end? And like how long has she had her one done?

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