Growing bump/cyst behind earlobe after piercing

First thing I would do is take the earring out. If you got this bump after the piercing, it’s safe to say that’s what caused it. It looks like an infection is spreading, and your tampering with it has caused it to spread and swell even more. Definitely see, at the very least, a PCP/General Doctor (if a dermatologist isn’t available to you). Again, please take your earring out. You can always get it re-pierced.

In the meantime, clean your ear with non-scented antibacterial soap safe for use on the skin. Do not touch your ear with dirty hands. ALWAYS wash your hands before touching any new piercing. Your piercer should have told you what the healing time window is.

My piercings were done by professionals at tattoo shops, and I saw them all open new needles from the package before using them on me. Hopefully, whomever did your piercing used sterilized equipment.

If you haven’t the means to get to a doctor soon, visit a reputable tattoo shop and tell the piercer what’s going on. Believe it or not, someone who has been doing piercings for several years have seen things like this happen before and can hopefully give you some idea of what’s going on.

I’m not sure if this was caused by the piercing itself (i.e. unsterile equipment being used) or if it was inappropriate after-care, but either way cleaning it with gloves on and/or clean hands wouldn’t hurt until you can figure out what’s going on.

Hope it gets better!

/r/piercing Thread