It's happening. #Texit Texas Secession. Next: #FlorExit

Government having better control of healthcare would probably be against NWO

No, the government wants control of people's healthcare. Big Pharma won't exist under the NWO, no. It will be controlled by government. Big Pharma is a plot to get people into accepting government healthcare.

Why would gun rights matter when people aren't going to use them.

An authoritarian government doesn't want an armed populace. That's just common sense. Doesn't matter whether you think the right would use them or not. Most right wingers haven't felt there has been a need to use their firearms against the government. But armed protesters did show up for lockdown protests....and the left wholeheartedly condemned it.

Last I checked left cares quite a lot about stopping censorship

How??? The left was just cheering on YouTube censoring content about election fraud. The left is the side that supports cancel culture and punishing people severely for wrong think.

So it just so happens that things that you think left supports is also how NWO is going to happen?

Yes, if you actually pay attention to what's going on it's obvious the NWO is left wing. I'm not even left wing or right wing. It just obvious to me which is gaining more support and being pushed on the populace more.

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