I hate commercializing everything

Because the more we want to buy things, the more our money goes into the pockets of corporations.

And who controls the vast majority of media consumed today? Who tailors all the messages you constantly encounter telling to you buy more things? Telling you you're a loser if you don't have all the latest toys? Why, corporations, of course.

It's more than just corporations beating the drum. People are complicit as well. The messaging is supposed to make you personally identify with corporate products- to become "brand loyal." The same language as allegiance to a monarch or something. ome weaker minds are very suceptible to this message. Thus we are surrounded by this urging, from seemingly everything and everyone.

Start a band. Make art. Get off your phone. Read a book Fuck everyone else. Be yourself! It's all we can do with this existence we have. Be the most "you" you can be!

/r/rant Thread