In totally not a pedo guys!

Well, i kinda agree with you but i also kinda don‘t. In some cases pedophilia comes from childhood trauma. They themselves were abused as a child too and the disturbed sexual attraction is more a side-effect or rather a mental underdeveloppment. In some cases it isn‘t trauma. I think however every pedophile should be able to seek suitable treatment and we should encourage non-offender as well as offender pedophiles to do so. Because therapy with a specialized psychologist or psychiatrist can very well be a treatment. Not a cure but a treatment. I feel like some pedos might be scared to seek help because of the immense hate against them. We should maybe try to see pedophiles more as people who have a problem and need help to be able to live in our society without doing harm. If that fails we can get to alternative methods.

Castration nowadays gets done chemically. They don‘t chop off your down-there parts but you get medication which does the trick for you (exterminating your libido and sexual urges as well as inactivating your reproductive organs). So i don‘t know how you‘d want to figure out someone is getting castrated if it happens trough medication. Also, it is usually not done for people who have not committed any crime (but it can be done of course), and there it absolutely makes sense to castrate certain sex-offenders since some child molesters fall back in their repetitive behavior (The success-rate of the treatment of child-molesters is not a 100%. Even rather on the low side).

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