I hate it when people tell me "this is what you have to look forward to" when their kid is throwing a tantrum or misbehaving in public.

Ummm WHAT? Did you read the same thing I read? Or did you cherry pick the part you didn't like and use it to vent your feelings?

I can only imagine--because you know, my kid is only a fetus so what the fuck do I know, right?--how frustrating it must be to feel judged as a parent who is doing her best. But OP pretty clearly explained that she understands tantrums happen. She didn't see a random stranger at the grocery store and start judging them. Someone she knew tried to take their crappy feelings about what they were dealing with and shift them on to her so she could feel crappy too.

Kids have tantrums? YOU DON'T SAY????? Thanks for that nugget of parenting wisdom! Let me get my pen!

Childbirth is painful? WHAT???? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE ELSE TELLLLL MEEEEE????

I have received the best information about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting not from books or Dr. Google, but from mothers. Smart, thoughtful, mothers who want to share their wisdom with a first timer like me. But comments like, "Just wait until your kid has a tantrum!" do not fall into that category! Neither your embarrassment nor my current state of being bring this comment beyond the level of unnecessary offhand snark. Which is exactly what it is, and usually what it's intended to be.

How about you take five minutes to explain the developmental stage your child is in? I'm going to have one of those too! I'd love to know!

Let's all try to live life like Reddit. If you have something thoughtful, helpful, or encouraging to add that contributes to discussion and can deepen my understanding of the subject then by all means, please, tell me. Otherwise DOWNVOTED

/r/BabyBumps Thread Parent