The hatred for NEETS seriously has to end. ANGRY RANT

It's not surprising people hate and belittle. I mean, for a lot of them, they're in work because they don't have a choice. They just can't stay home and do nothing like NEETs can. They wish they could.

They wish they had the choice NEETs do. The ability to choose to not work and somewhat survive. Most NEETs may not be rich and likely do struggle financially, but it's not to the point of them becoming homeless and malnourished because they literally don't have any support. They have some support that allows them to sustain the NEET lifestyle. You either need a large amount of money stored, some passive income that requires barely any effort or people willing to support you. All of which require some luck. It's definitely not the norm and unfortunately NEET lifestyles are limited and eventually come to an end unless you're rich.

They simply want their freedom back and because they know they can't really get it, their response is to lash out at those that do have the ability to choose. I mean, it is sort of a luxury. Just think if you didn't have that line of support, you'd be screwed.

NEET lifestyle only sucks because you're likely going to be poor due to limited funding. BUT, if you can just about cope being a NEET, then it's a hell of a lot better than slaving away at a job you despise for money that doesn't even buy you and your family a comfortable life. Imagine that, barely any freedom and to top that off you're still struggling to get by. That's bound to make people envious of NEETs. All they see is the freedom they want to have. They're blind to the inner problems NEETs have. Natural response I guess?

People are always going to hate and judge you for whatever reason. Don't let it get to you. If you want to be NEET and can sustain that lifestyle, do it. What others tell you shouldn't matter.

NEET lifestyles in most cases are definitely not luxurious, more depressing than anything else tbh, but at least you're not dragged to a place you hate that mentally and physically destroys you bit by bit every day. You're more free.

It sucks to see for sure. But until society stops judging people based on the money they have, it's never going to get better. Unemployed people are always going to be seen as the failures of society. It's a good way to make people desperate enough to work even if they have the choice to not work (I'm sure there's people like this too). Employers can then use this to their advantage to treat workers how they like because who would want to go back to being an employed, sub-human, loser, right?!

The good thing is it seems there's a lot more people nowadays that are realising just how bad this whole "you must do what you hate to survive" system is. It's killing people. Making people miserable and for what? To benefit the corporations? It's just idk..

I rambled on a little bit and wrote more than I intended, so I'll end it here. Work or not, it all sucks unless you manage to find something you really enjoy. Maybe one day it'll change and society will finally move forward with their thinking. Future humans will look back and laugh at how we carried ourselves (assuming we're still around).

/r/NEET Thread