Having Kid(s)

I don't have any kids yet. I want children because I want to nurture and teach, enjoy the experiences that come with seeing a child explore and watch a person that was a part of me grow into a person of their own. On the other hand a part of me will be a part of that child and that is scary. Not because I think i'm a bad person or anything but because I know all the struggles, thoughts, and emotions I have dealt with are hard to sift through. Being with my SO has really opened me up though. He is the reason why I want a child. We both grew up in shitty situations. It's difficult as an adult when you look back and see all your parent's screw ups. I realize that my parents are just people and I don't hold any grudges. But it's a big part of why the both of us want to have a kid. We want to give them more than we ever had. I don't mean material things when I say this. I mean providing a child with the ability to function not only within themselves but within society successfully. I want to give them all the good emotions that should be easy to get but isn't always easy for people to give. Defining what is normal nowadays is probably the most abnormal thing you can do. It's your life at the end of the day and only you get to live it.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread