Having a really hard time hanging on knowing that I will never transition


At the risk of this being super awkward and unusual, I just wanted to say that I read and appreciate what you said. I'm a reddit noob so I don't know how I'm supposed to react to these comments. They need like a button that says OP likes your comment or something. I mean I did the up arrow thing but that doesn't really do shit unless a bunch of people do it and I just hid my post because I wont be able to eat or sleep if it's visible because I'm a crazy person.

Anyways, yeah I've tried to set up an appointment with a therapist already but I ended up cancelling it before hand because I'm the kind of person who has to hide an internet post after a few minutes or I wont be able to eat or sleep lol..

This is my life.. but anyways, thanks again and have a great night.

/r/asktransgender Thread Parent