He called me stupid, he called me the b-word.

No, sorry . That was out of order. We got in an argument, during the argument he told me we'd never get back together. The argument was necause he thought I was messing around. We are long distance. I tried convincing him for the week but he wasnt having it. 2 weeks later, my uncle went missing and we found him dead. I reached out, we talked. it was friendly, he was really supportive. And would always text me. called me drunk one time to just talk, he also was like Im about to buy a ps4 to play with you. Im like "I dont have one anymore, and how were u going to afford it? (moneys been tight with him after his car accident) and he said credit card. He would continue to text me daily, just like while we were together just minus the title and i love yous. Idk it was all weird. I was still hurt over my uncle, confused at this dudes intentions so i was like i cant do this anymore. I told him hey, i just lost someone important in my life, i dont really want to lose two, but its hard for me to be your friend right now. I wanna be your friend but I wanna move on. and he said "its all good". last we spoke was almost 4 weeks ago.

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