He threatened to break up over a small argument

I can see why you think that. Then again you put me in the bracket of stereotypical women not having their needs met and whining. So shall we never say anything? A confident and “high quality” man would attempt to help their partner go into detail why they are unhappy and why they think they’re not making enough effort. This is how two people communicate and get to know each other’s wants and needs.

Before I even got to tell him why I thought he wasn’t making enough effort and the things I’d like him to do, he already started to avoid the topics and attempt to change subject. Again, no confident and mature men who actually invest in growing a healthy relationship would do this.

Again, I disagree with you. If my bf came to me and said I’m not making enough effort, I’d want to know how I could do better. Not everyone could open up freely and quickly and I tend to want to help people to open up first instead of calling them aggressive and vague.

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