Healer is a thankless job.

What's sad is you're presumably a grown adult whining about a T rated game saying people don't deserve a thank you when you don't even deserve them to play healer. Your mother just cleaned the dish you ate out of but didn't do it perfectly just for you? No thanks? You're an ungrateful human being is what the point is. Moira is a hero that takes no effort and is easy to climb with if you're in low sr. Maybe learn how to play her and you'll be ungrateful just as you are now, you're complaining about people crying and yet you're crying about them crying LOL.

I'd just like to add at the end here, you're contradicting yourself. You don't even know how old I am, calling me 18 saying and calling me a child emotionally but being upset with me for asking you if you were a child is wrong lol? Trends are none of my interest, neither is why you educate yourself on trends of teens. You can't even stay on topic of the video game and why you have this hate for supports.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent