Heavy marijuana smokers of Reddit, what symptoms of withdrawal have you experienced when you just went cold turkey and stopped smoking for an extended period of time?

I was an every-day smoker who quit cold turkey in a single day and never looked back (I don't want to go into details, but let's just say that the circumstances of my life gave me VERY strong motivation for staying clean, so I never had a problem staying away from it).

Honestly, I don't remember experiencing any withdrawal symptoms at all. I may have been a little more stressed, but it's hard to say (this was a fairly stressful time in my life, even outside of quitting weed). I don't remember being any more irritable that usual. I didn't even get any strong urges to smoke. Like, I did want to smoke weed, because I really liked being high, but it was pretty easy for me to say "Well, I can't" and leave it at that.

That was about seven years ago. About 2 or 3 years after I quit, I made some new friends that smoked weed, and the circumstances of my life had relaxed a bit, so I smoked with them a handful of times. Then, money started getting tight, and I gave it up again. I haven't smoked at all in the last ~4 years, and I don't really miss it. My stance is that I'd like to smoke again, but I'm waiting until it becomes fully legal (I live in one of the shitty backwards states, so that will probably take a while). Until then, it's just not worth the hassle or the cost, and I don't feel like I'm missing out by not having it in my life.

TL;DR: I was a heavy smoker who quit in literally a day and didn't experience any noticeable withdrawal symptoms or urges to use. That was ~7 years ago.

/r/AskReddit Thread