Heavy marijuana smokers of Reddit, what symptoms of withdrawal have you experienced when you just went cold turkey and stopped smoking for an extended period of time?

I am a heavy smoker, usually ~6x a day, and I smoke concentrates (shatter, dab, oil...) because it doesn't smell and I can smoke a dab, which is the equivalent of smoking a solo joint, in a much quicker amount of time. I do it because I have ADD and it helps me focus and generally makes me a much more productive person (believe it or not lol). It is prescribed by the doctor and is medicinal. I don't necessarily "get high" in your typical sense anymore, mainly just calms down my thoughts and makes me normal.

I started out just smoking weed and never really noticed much withdrawl when I took a tolerance break of a week or so every six months. Since I started smoking concentrates a couples years ago, I noticed my first tolerance break was a little more difficult then usual. Since then it has become more apparent. I took a trip last November, and for the entire 4 days off I had lost all my appetite and had cold sweats on/off. Not fun, so I have decided cold turkey isn't a good idea when I'm going on trips. I am going to ween off for a week before. I don't think my case is typical since I smoke more then the average smoker to be fair but hopefully answers your question

/r/AskReddit Thread