Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

So this feels kind of petty, but whatever...

I just moved to a new state, I know I have to register my car, move the title over. Got the paperwork from previous state for registration renewal before the end of the month. I get paid 30/31st of the month, so I'm cutting it close. But my new state will not reveal how much it costs to register my car (make/model, how sporty, etc). I FINALLY got an estimation. Between my town and state, a new drivers license, I'm looking at $650 to register my car!!! I moved to a state where there's no income and sales tax, so apparently property tax and car registration is where $$$ comes from.

The really annoying thing is that in May I'm going home to see my family, so part of that money was going to be saved for the trip, and part of that money was going to go to a new pilates mat on Amazon, a food scale, a spiralizer, and finally get some spring clothes that actually fit me properly as a reward for my hard work I've done all winter. Down 35lbs! Bye, bye, Target trip...UGH. I'm going to have to pick and choose wisely for the kitchen hardware + pilates mat (was going to get a cheap $20 one) and maybe one or two outfits, tops so I can still save for my trip. Blerg. This blows.

/r/loseit Thread